Wednesday, January 05, 2005

My Golden Slumber

There I was standing on this neon sign lit corner in New York. It was late but there were still cars and people everywhere. I heard this sound rushing toward me. The sound vaguely sounded like a fire engine, but one with a New York accent. It was nearing just as a beat up sedan came screeching up to a halted stop in front of me. Two cops came flying out of the car piercing my ears with the shrill of their slide whisltes. I covered my ears and lowered my head and closed my eyes. Through my hands, covering my ears, I could hear the muffled sounds of choas and yelling. I opened my eyes to see the two cops trying to put Woody Allen, and some other guy, in their red pajama's in the back of the car. I yelled out, "why isn't he laughing he's supposed to be laughing, cause' it's crummy!". Alas, he was not laughing in fact Woody Allen was crying. He looked up at me and reached out his closed hand and said, "get this to..", as he was saying this I had already reached out my hand. Before he could tell me who to get it to he had already done it. He had dropped three or four dancing cockroaches in my hand. I screamed and and began to shake about like I was being electricuted, with my eyes shut again. Suddenly, I heard waves, and laughter. I stopped moving and opened my eyes to see a bunch of my customers from the bar laughing and drinking and playing beach volleyball on this breathtaking beach. I had my back to the ocean and was face to face with Fancypants, this is a boy who often frequents my bar to attempt to court me but I can't stop laughing at his fancy pants long enough to do anything about it.

I started to relax and giggle and was trying to explain to Fancypants that I thought I was with Woody Allen and that's why I was acting so weird. He just turned to carp me to everyone else. Then, I hadthis overwhelming urge to turn and look at the ocean. OH SHIT A TSUNAMI, and damn it's a big one. "RUN!" I scream but they all think I'm a weirdo now cause' I thought I was talking with Woody Allen when indeed I was talking to Fancypants. "Screw them", I mumbled to myself and took off running back toward the city. By running I mean my feet were movin' like molasses and my knees were so close to the ground that I kept having to push myself up off the pavement. I rounded a corner with a huge salmon colored cement parking structure on it. At this point there are three dogs running with me. Real dogs. There was a tall building attached to it and I pushed open the door and ran straight to the elevator. I wasn't the only one with idea at this point there were four of us in there. One of which I was aparently in love with however I have neer seen him before in my life. I thought this was strange but we kept on going.
Henry Mancini was softly playing in the elevator as we all casually stood around biting our nails, talking about the bar on the roof of the building, exchanging funny little looks, and shiftingour weight from one leg to the other. The doors opened it was mayhem. Women and men plunging to their deaths down the open center of the building. I looked over the edge just in time to see the tsunami coming. It's filthy brown water engulfed the base of the building, yet the whole time the sky above was the most beautiful blue with big white cumulus clouds just sitting around. The city looked like a big dirty lake from my stance at the top of the building.

Oh no I left Lou outside.

I started bawling, "Lou is dead, oh Lou... Lou" then I grabbed a passing lady by her collar, "maybe he climbed the tree, he's so smart he just has to be safe".
I was turning to head back to the elevator when someone yanked me to the ground by the back of my collar.
"You're late!" the man was screaming in my face all drunk with magarita salt all over his chin.

He must've been my boss cause' he tossed me behind a bar and yelled again, "I want a martini dirty with two olives and so does everyone else!!". I turned my head to see everyone else. The bar starting stretching longer and longer before my eyes, it was a mile long and silver. There were atleast eight people deep down the whole goddamn thing. I started mixing like I have never mixed before. Bottles were flying and I suddenly had 6 sets of arms at the same time shaking martini's. It just didn't seem right so I looked down to survey where these new arms had sprouted from and it turned out it was just my fellow bartenders standing behind me sticking their arms under my arms so the boss thought I had more arms and I wouldn't lose my job.

I was done, everyone now had their martini's. I knew the boss would think I was some sort of miracle bartender now.
"What the hell, I wanted olives!" boss yelling.
"I know martini's for everyone, dirty two olives sir!" I said with an obvious attitude cause' there was nooo way I screwed up.
He held out his martini and what do you know there's no olives. Nope insted there was sauerkraut.

I'm running again through my molasses, I'm near my house, where's Lou. All the houses around mine have been wiped out by the tsunami. He just had to make though I knew it.
"Lou, pal.. come out, where are you... LOU", just then out of the corner of my eye I saw Lou limp out from under some debris.
He was seemingly fine except the wet fur and the one leg that was now four times the length and width of the other three. I scooped him up and fell indianstyle to the ground.
"Oh Lou we'll get youto the hospital, I love you Lou... I do". I kissed his forehead over and over again.

While making coffee this morning with Lou I realized something. Sauerkraut in martini's hmmm, yup I'm gonna make a million. Also, I don't think I should eat so many greasy spicy foods before I fall asleep.


Victoria said...

..first of all, sauerkraut martinis, nothing could be dirtier.

Fancy Pants, a not too distant cousin of Smarty Pant's? Should be a comic book villian of some kind..

Your dream was ripe with symbolism, Wink. Woody Allen in pajamas, the gift of bugs, beaches, tidal Wave.. it all spells incredible good luck for you, Miss.

Winky Stanofowick said...

Woody in pajama's- Must be I feel my comic self is sleeping.
Woodys gift of bugs- Roaches crawl, they are gross to me. Some people crawl, and they are crawling all over me they are also gross.... not sure where this one is going.
Big Waves- Water clenses, yet my water was dirty. Maybe I'm feeling too clean right now. I need to be chased by dirty water.
Sauerkraut Martinis- That's just good drinking.

Maybe Miss. V you would be better at unraveling this, seeing that you are an outsider.

Winky Stanofowick said...

Outsider to my dreamland that is.

Victoria said...

(laughs) mean! ..seeing that you are an OUTSIDER, and all!

Uh, Vic, I don't know how to say this, but, just get off my blog. K?

I found Jojo. by the way..

Blog ho said...

I would not dream of decifering the dream but I did enjoy it and look forward to both you and Victoria's stories. Together you should publish a mighty novel, in fact, i'm starting to believe you are the same person except for the weather reports. That is the telltale difference, it cannot be both 70 and 30. I'm many things but no fool. Rather I am a fool but not...a simple fool? Wait, that's coming out wrong. I'm not a minor fool, but... nevermind.

But the dogs, I imagined you were going to say they were humping. And I'm glad Woody went to jail for I can't stand the son of a bitch.

one more thing, my neighbor is blowing snow...again. he's a maniac.

Winky Stanofowick said...

Blowing snow, can't you see it now some poor bloated rosey cheeked man on all fours just blowing on his snow... haaaawhoooo(the sound of blowing).

Vic if you leave me cold and alone in Blog Country, I will shrivel up and die, white lights and all.

Holy JoJo, let me at him. Where is he, or do I have to figure out some riddle first. Where is the lucky number seven when I need him.

Also have you seen Thoresen Wells wandering around our little blog battlefield(not that anyone is at war, it's just so fun to read that strong strong word, BATTLEFIELD).

Blog ho said...

Love is a battlefield.

I have seen Thorson. I wonder if he's related to Orson.

He actually was blowing snow. Then he expected a fiver when the snow came. It was very depressing for we professional whores.

Victoria said...

I'm just wondering if TW is related, peroid.. I mean, the music is kind of fishy..

Wink, is Margret Louise a real person?

Ho, I love how everyone is supicious it kills me.. And thanks for the compliment, it seemed sincere.

Wink, I have a riddle for you but I have to work it out on papier mache first, it's a three dimensional riddle..

And yes, JoJo. I found him.

Blog ho said...

It was sinscere. you're fab.


Victoria said...

..I think so.

Victoria said...

Thanks, Ho..
And fishy, yes, I'll explain when I know for sure..

Wink.. did you check it out?

Winky Stanofowick said...

My dearest Mr. Wells, Yes the Moose those poor bastards, what was the couples name(you know the fake Moose)? That was the album I was listening to when I fell asleep, hence the dream. "Kindly call out your floors".

Yes Victoria, Margaret Louise is a real person.... let me just say she has known you longer than I have.

Bh your neighbor, I can hardly believe the audacity. It's an outrage. Not really, yet another fun thing to type.

Winky Stanofowick said...

Yes yes they were fighting. Then he mistakingly took them instead of the moose. Right-O my dear chap you have done it again.

Victoria I went to Bling bling and visited a one Ms. JoJo.

Winky Stanofowick said...

No, but great granddaughter of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Winky Stanofowick said...

I'm still waiting for my papier mache riddle.

Victoria said...

DiG DaT!!

Winky Stanofowick said...

Well well well if it isn't the and only Bling Bling. [applause while she takes the podium]

Victoria said...



Blog ho said...

Word up, JoJo. The thing is, Jo, your mother and I are worried about your excessive zing zangery, the blasted biff boffery and random delights of childish fashion. You've got raw talent, raw, raw...the rawest of talent, and you really need to shine, really need to rub, really need to HONE your je ne c'est quoi, your...petit filet.

Don't get me wrong, I love you. I'll never be like your dad was, but if you can just let me into your heart I think we can have a standard and quasi-meaningful relationship. Nothing sexual, no. That's not cool. I'd learn to rap like you, sure. I love you, sweetie. Come home.

Victoria said...
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Victoria said...
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Victoria said...

..that's what I thought.

Blog ho said...

secret code. i like it.

Victoria said...

Sorry, Wink about the mess.. that was just, let's just say bling bling and I don't NOT agree, and leave it at that.

Winky Stanofowick said...

Wells I was just thinking about how ice would fall from the heavens there yesterday. Wear a helmut dear friend please.

Winky Stanofowick said...


Victoria said...


Winky Stanofowick said...


Victoria said...


Winky Stanofowick said...

The random Vic was a post I was goiing to remove because that would be funny. However I am new to all of this and do not know how to do much of anything at all. I mean I'm good with type-o's, incorrect spelling, and grammer disasters... but beyond that I'm just useless pile of wax. But know, I was going to be very funny today.

F- for The Wink.

I am the Winkest link. Boo Hoo.

Victoria said...
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Victoria said...

you sound a little.. I don't know I'm having the kind of day where I feel kind of like a pile of wax, too.

A pile of wax, that really is what it is.

Winky Stanofowick said...

Why do you rub it in my face. Mocking me so. One day I will learn to remove posts with ease until then I can take it, I am strong.

Winky Stanofowick said...

I am having a pile of wax day. It's freezing and raining and dark. I awoke this morning to my boss telling me I had to go to the bank for him A.S.A.P.. I have no running car. I have a dead 1976 Gremlin, but that just doesn't cut it. So I'm trucking around this filthy town in the freezing rain on the bus with a terrible cold and whooping cough. When really all I want to do is sit in the warmth reading all of these brilliant peoples blog entrys, reading books, and wathing the movies I got from the library.

I know I know... everyone is playing the worlds smallest violin for me.


Winky Stanofowick said...

By the way that was watchin wovies not wathing. I just lost my two front teeth and ith hard for me to thalk.

Winky Stanofowick said...

That's movies not wovies.

Victoria said...


Victoria said...

Yeah that's all I'm in the mood for today, too.

Winky Stanofowick said...

Hey how is Mona doing with the whole 'mag.' thingy?

Winky Stanofowick said...

Absolutely, you can never be prepared enough. That's why I two of everything.

Winky Stanofowick said...

Ok everyone wish me luck I'm off to treck to the bank from the bar. Trip number 2. Let's see if my soaking wet cloths can get any wetter... I think they can.

Blog ho said...

Surely you are gone to the bank by now and I hope it was well and fine. Sublime and even sensual. God's Peed.

Winky Stanofowick said...

Mr. B. Ho, yes I know he's done it all over my head.

Wells... done and done. Who wants to go on vacation, my treat, or the banks hahahahahah? In the papers they shall call be the Dirty Banana Bandit.

Blog ho said...

I would like to come, but it sounds stinky. But Mexico is nice, I have spent many a month into year upon golden shore. Too many.

Winky Stanofowick said...

Funny Man.

You've Got What I Need... said...

You are being courted by a man dubed Fancypants? And I was feeling sorry for myself that DanglyGoldChainEmeshedInChestHair has been sniffing outside my tower door so regularly. At least Fancypants is wearing his namesake. Be glad of that.

Winky Stanofowick said...

Mr. danglygoldchainemeshedinchesthair sounds too good to be true. Maybe we could all double sometime.

Winky Stanofowick said...

I'm so sorry my bloggin' friends. I have been working doubles since last tuesday, I'm back at the desk now away from the serving range so I'm here now. Tell me all your problems... I'm listening.

Victoria said...

First of all, if this comments area was an airplane you'd be on the sun by now.

Holding steadily at 28 degrees, threatening to drop on Thursday. Snow overnight.

Winky Stanofowick said...

Yes mysteriously that orange bastard is MIA.

Flash flood warning's, and record breaking low's.

Winky Stanofowick said...

Woa, there's his robe... What kind of party went on here? Oh, there's his crown of thorns.