Friday, December 17, 2004

I will learn soon enough..

I was looking at the computer and I realized my tired fingers should not be typing right now. I'm putting m's where there should be n's. My I's are i's, when all along they should have been eyes. Will this horrible bar ever vomit me up from it's deep dark belly. It's like the modern day Moby Dick.


Blog ho said...


Victoria said...

I do hope you are finally sleeping..

Victoria said...

Don't you dot your eyes with i's anyways, these days, Wink? Just for that, I'm going to start crossing my t's with tea. Ha.

Winky Stanofowick said...

My friends... I slept, and I will sleep again.

Anti-Blogger said...

I have heard of this condition before...very painful and deadly. You might want to have it checked out.

Oh...wait...that was something else. Nevermind.

Victoria said...

Uh, winky ..are you there? Winky? WINKY!!

Winky Stanofowick said...

Winky is here, she is there, I'm everywhere ha HA!

Victoria said...

I'm going to design a doll called Winky.
She will of course have sparkles, a feather duster as her transportation, she will be everywhere, you won't be able to ever catch her, she will be a bartender, and there will be tons of costumes and out fits that go with the Winky line. As well as a little bar, complete with a cast of drunks. And a little theatrical stage, a backstage (because it's a whole different scenario than the stage itself, am I right?), a tv sound stage, even a tiny true to scale replica of Leo's. I could go on and on. It will be a hit!

Winky Stanofowick said...

Tell me Victoria, did The Vic doll from Christmas past have arms. Please tell me I didn't give her arms, cause' that would be so funny. I'm not sure why it's so funny but it is. Remember the Michael doll, oh man, geez, whoa!

Victoria said...

You're killing me.. I was just thinking about the Michael (brother) doll. The only thing that would have been funnier is if you made the doll 6 feet 7 inches tall.
My doll did have arms, and her googly eyes are becoming closer and closer to the case as the years progress.
Too bad, I don't think you made replicas of yourselves, did you?

Winky Stanofowick said...

I am, no if's and's or but's, making a 6'7" Michael doll as soon as I land back in LA. Watch your mailbox, there may be a gift coming after all.