Friday, December 17, 2004

Here I sit and wait....andwait...and, ah who am I kidding.

I started work yesterday morning at 10am. You see I run a bar in the sinfully lost town of LaLa land. My bar opens at 4pm, however yesterday they were filming a commercial for that robust horse beer from St. Louis Missouri. I had to be there so theycould ask me intellegent questions like, "How would you turn this light off?", they would knock on my smoke filled office door. Then, for one brief second of time, I would get to stand up from this chair I am now one with. I would walk over to the wall behind the pool table, where all the light switch plates are coralled, I would reach for the switch and say, "Well I personally find this to be the easiest way to turn a light off". Then I would, with caution of course, turn the switch to it's off position. The room would then errupt with mind blowned "Ohs", and "Ahs". Then I would turn, with my head held high, and walk back to my stinky little ashtray I now call home. The night rolled around the shoot came to an end and I suddenly realized my bartender had not shown. See I had this small window of opportunity to escape the bar for a couple of hours and eat, change, smoke a ciggy outside and now that was all just a dream out of my grasp. I took on the job and I made cans of beer fly open just merely by shooting them the 'you better open yourself up you lazy pig' look. I was shaking 8 martini's at one time, all the whilst flirting with that cute man I think I flirted with on June 10, 7pm, 2004. I was flying with the Wallenda's. Two O'Clock finally rolled around. I grabbed my broom and started sweeping the people who had fallen, from my fermented beverages, to the ground. One last guy to sweep out the door, "see ya' later Tommy" I said in english. "Goneudder fly ind der hort beys", he replied in english. then I began to tuck my bottles away and wipe down the bar. I saw the long booth and I thought to myself, I could sit for a moment and rest.

The phone rang and I awoke, and it was now 9 in the morning. Shit I fell asleep at the bar AGAIN! It was the electrician coming to fix the wires and to hand the new chandelier. It really is a beautiful chandelier. I thought this is a 3 hour job max, I'll be home and eating and taking a shower and brushing my teeth before you know it. It is now 4:19 in the afternoon. That was 7 hours ago. I have now officially been at work for 30 hour straight. I have smoked a pack and a half in this small office over the last two days, it smells in here. The electrician went to get parts but every store he goes to fails him miserably. At one point during the day he called to tell me that he had driven from one store to the next with his wallet left on the top of his car. Then he proceeded to tell me how he had just done that two weeks ago with his new liscense plates. How he had to back track all over the city to locate his lost plates. Turns out a construction worker had found them and was going to take them home to mount in his garage for his collection. He just called and said he had finally found the parts I said, "Do me a favor... don't put the parts on the top of your car.". So here I sit and wait....and wait.....and wait.... Shit Victoria your birthday is nearing, I just thought of that. Hmmm strange.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

FINALLY! I've been waiting here for like ten or fifteen minutes, and, voila huge papragraphs! Tired or not (and we know you're tired..) You hammer out like no one I know! Great! Great! More! More!