Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I keep waking up with wet sleeves. There is something going on around here.


Blog ho said...


Victoria said...

Wink, I'm not sure what it could be. Do you need a detective?

Winky Stanofowick said...

Yes, do you know of a guy by the name of Sherlock Holmes. He said he'd help... I dunno'? I'm going to come to Chicago very soon.

Wet sleeves continue throughout the night.

Victoria said...

Chicago, excellent..!

You've Got What I Need... said...

Maybe you're a midnight plumber on the side, fixing leaky gaskets and such for mad money?

Winky Stanofowick said...

yes a plumber that has to be it. and it makes sense i do so love working a million jobs in a million places running myself senseless hence me not remembering i am a plumber.