Monday, March 28, 2005

Winky Report

I have a lake for a house, or a house made of lake.

I have a dead Gremlin, car... not grose little monster.

My cat has fleas.

I have fleas.

I'm broke.

I put down money on a used Volvo that my friend owns... she wrecked/totaled it Sunday.

I have bronchitis, a urinary track infection, and a yeast infection all at the same time, feelin' great.

I have recently been very dissappointed by people.

I have to move and I can't find a place, unless you include that mold, bug, and stench infested home in the hills.

I'm happy for Vic and her new job.

I'm grateful I'm another year older and I got to spend my birthday with a bunch of friends.

I'm sure glad I don't have to wear diapers except for at housewarming partys.

I'm going to blog for real again someday I swear.

I have to go rid my life of fleas now.


Blog ho said...

i'm sounds like you're having a rough time of things.

if i lived near you i'd surely bring you a casserole..which, in utah, is what they do for people ailing.

so consider this a virtual casserole, but a good one, not a bad one.

Victoria said...

Wink, sending you ALL of my love and strength so that you feel better - and I want to *will* everything to be back in order for you (right now!)..

Sending you an email.

Take care, sweetie.. let me know.

Winky Stanofowick said...

Thank you guys sooo much. Blog Ho you're in Utah.... hmmm I got in trouble years ago when I lived there, the state recommended I never come back.

Vic thanks for the email. Life is great and my ailments are gone so maybe I'll swing by this blog land more often.

Blog ho said...

not utah. not anymore. it's where i learned about caseroles, though.

Victoria said...

Wink, You are all better! That makes me happy.

I'm thinking that there should always be a "Winky Report", it has a nice ring.

Winky Stanofowick said...

I posted again after all this time but for some reason it posted after this one. All my hard work and this is how I'm repaid, Geesh!

Victoria said...

Found it. It's three posts down..

Winky Stanofowick said...

Dear god whuhappen'? V you found it about the cracky's and blue hairs?