Sunday, February 27, 2005

My Very Own Table Party

Oh kids, these are the things Grandma Wink thinks about.

You see I have never been a, how do you say, computer wiz and quite honestly this has been my first time my snarled fingers have tickled my keyboard to dance with the other folks in this mysterious cyberland. It's true I have never chatted online, just recently was made aware of the demon I call Never have I run amuck in any websites, except the brief one I had with an old comedy group... Winky likes to look at herself, narcasistic... a little.

I have always thought of myself as someone who would have conversations with people face to face. I'm a people person, hence my 9 million jobs I've had dealing with "the people". So as of lately I have found myself on numerous occasions creating faces and background history for all of you I frolic with in this here blogland. I find myself even changing the appearance of the people I know personally, the ones whom I know their background history and faces. These people I have created change day by day depending on my mood, and what people have wriiten. I even like to draw little sketches of everyone, the way I see it in my head that day, sitting at a long table laughing and smoking and drinking vodka with a computer in front of everyone.

So for today here is the way I invision my great table party.

At the head of the table is Victoria, however she doesn't sit she stands smoking a very long skinny cig. She is dressed very professionally and wears a hat over her black finger curled hair. Every minute or so she turns to Blog Ho who is sitting by her side, tilts her hat to him and says "Ma'm". Which of course he responds with standing, pulling out the sides of his tutu like a little girl, and says "sir". Ho you can tell is very experienced by the numerous tatoo's he has, all being horrifically fantastic scenes from his life. Like the one on his right forearm, it's a young Ho, deep at sea on a large ship with an unrully crew. He is standing out front of the others with a sword.. as to fight off the large sea beast that is threatening their lives. Next to Ho sits Pj Smorg, he is a giant head that is all, this one is not too far from the truth. He has enormous crazy eyes bouncing all over the place and he is jabbering on about the stock market "It's dirty dow makes me rise and fall", and so on. While this is happening You've Got What I need sits next to him in her old timey west bar dress gun slung over her shoulder with her cowgirl boots kicked up on the table. She has a jewelled eyepatch over her right eye that while Smorg carries on she keeps lifting it to him saying, "I see". Next to YGWIN sits Margaret Louise, she is very tiny, like 2 feet tall. She is a simple and pretty little one. She types, nervously looking around the table. She's on to something grand and we all know it, so we let her type. Next to her sits Thoresen Wells. He is an old man, very large, wearing a very nice vintage suit. He sits back in his large wooden chair boasting to and fro. He has a long curled pipe from which he tokes, however unlike the smell that would normally come from a pipe his presents a cloud that more resembles meat. I sit next to Wells an a stool that is far to small for me. So I look abnormally large lurching over it in my race car driver onesy. I'm balding, in that bad way where the front is missing but the back is a long scraggly thin blanket for my shoulders. I have a very pretty face though. I am smoking, not one cigarette but the whole pack which I have just ripped off the bottom and lit, surrounding myself in the most dense cloud... to the point that everyone keeps asking where I have gone. There is a mountain of pocket change next to me on my left that I keep trying to give handfulls to Vic. When she doesnt's notice, because she is lifting her hat to Ho, I just drop it on the pile that has formed next to her right foot. For some reason I assume at todays party there is a short fat horse galloping around all of us whistling the theme from the Golden Girls.

It just makes me feel a little closer to everyone. I wish I knew how to upload images, this party would be much better if it was illustrated. There's always next time.


You've Got What I Need... said...

"I see" Yup, it's official, you are sunshine in a bottle. I've never had a more accurate description of me intuited than this one. What a party, the Mad Hatter is GREEN with envy over this soiree.

Victoria said...

It's what happens to personalities when drawn through such a filter. I've noticed this, too. Though, lets be honest, the smoking an entire pack of cigarettes is dead on.

Winky Stanofowick said...

It's true, I just finished my 3rd pack today.(to be read through my wheezing Keith Richards voice)

Victoria said...

Me, too. I'm going to the 7-11 in a few minutes to get a couple packs (fifteen dollars, that's sharp cheddar.. sharp, sharp cheddar my friend). Then I'll go back a little later for more cigarettes. At least I never resorted to buying cartons of cigarettes. That would be like admitting that I might actually be smoking twenty packs of cigarettes in this life time. Right. Like I'd ever smoke that many cigarettes..

Blog ho said...

I would pay sweet cash for that pic as it's golden and I love all things golden. And I do wear a tutu, which is odd because I don't tell people that and I do fight sea creatures...or I did, but everyone knows that.

Thoresen? Just like I pictured. As well, Victoria. The patch kinda threw me, but the lifting of the patch brought me back. The balding you? No.

You are a sly character, half shadow, half light, except when you laugh and the room is dazzled by your brilliance. When you cry the room is doused in gloom but you don't cry often, though you have been sad and not shown it. But the cigarettes...all at once...that part I figured was true.

Victoria said...

You have great instincts about people, Wink. What I like most about this party is how insane all of the guests seem to be. Which is both surreal and entirely true.

Shades of La Dolce Vita mixed with Alice mixed with The Wiz. That's right, that's what I said, THE WIZ.

You've Got What I Need... said...

YES, The Wiz. That's what I was missing.. phew. I have to say that I've been thinking about how much fun this party would've been all day long. Which could be the pain meds speaking, but only partially.

Blog ho said...

If it's the wiz I'll have none of it. I was thinking mad hatter to be sure, but the wiz is too 70s. Might as well call it jesus christ superstar. I cannot abide. maybe your characters can be the wiz and mine will be young Jim and we'll hire a long john silver.

Winky Stanofowick said...

I love the wiz. Next time YGWIN bring the pain meds to the party, oh wait did we all already take pain meds at the party? Ho don't worry about the balding it's only on certain days, others I am blessed with a mane of wild thick hair(when I can get the glue to hold, ahahahah).

Thoresen, where is Thoresen? Surely he is off smoking meat. Woops that sounds pretty different when you change the words around.

Well hell, I calls 'em like I see's 'em. Again, I'm not quite sure what that means, or even what I am referring to.

Victoria said...

What Winky did was more timeless than the Wiz to be sure. But I love the Wiz.

Yeah. I love the Wiz. I'm not taking it back.

Winky Stanofowick said...

I can't wait until the play The Wiz, and My Very Own Table Party back to back on Turners Timless Classics.

Victoria said...

Wink, it's going to happen.

I'd say that your party was a hit, but I see it's still going.. one of those week long parties.

Like Sammy's party a la Shampoo..